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We Bring The Light

Candle makes, you’ve guessed it, candles. But not just any candle; their candles burn at least six times longer than competing ones.

Candle embodies warmth, luxury, coziness and light in the broadest sense of the word. We helped them by creating an unique sonic identity which embodies their values and put emphasis on their slogan “We Bring The Light”, all starting with a recognizable

Winter's warmth

With an audiologo as our starting point, we were able to further uncover Candle’s sound across various styles and genres while still respecting and using key elements of the original audiologo.

What naturally followed was a warm and cozy Lofi Hip Hop track to accompany their
Winter’s Warmth campaign. By fading out the volume right before the iconic melody, we emphasized the endurance of Candle’s products.

Also, the beat is entirely made out of the knocking, lighting and burning of a candle. Pretty cool, right?

Winter's Warmth

Summer nights

The changing of the seasons means a changing of the rhythm!

For Candle’s summer nights campaign we developed a R&B/Soul instrumental which radiates the feeling of a warm and joyful summer night.

Just as the night fades into darkness, you can hear a candle being lit and the party energetically revives. The track borrows elements from both the audiologo as well as Candle’s Winter Warmth campaign; can you recognize them?

Summer nights
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